2/9: 10AM Worship (Traditional) @ Mission Chapel
3:30PM Worship (Contemporary) @ Mission Chapel
We believe that the WORD OF GOD, both the Old and the New Testaments, is inspired by God Himself and carries the full authority of God. Every passage and every word in the Scripture is “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). It was written by the prophets and the apostles inspired by the Spirit of God. The Word of God in its original form is inerrant. It does not contradict the Truth because it is without error or fault.
We believe the TRIUNE GOD (Deuteronomy 6:4), who exists as three persons: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:26; Matthew 28:19). Each person is fully God and distinct from each other, exemplified in their manifestation. Yet, recognizing that their essence is the same, there is only one God.
Being fully God and fully man, JESUS came to us willingly, accepting the form of a servant. Through humility, Jesus was obedient to the Father’s will and bore our sins to die upon the cross. And God exalted Him to the highest place for His name to be glorified (Philippians 2:6-11). Jesus created the world in the beginning (John 1:3) and redeemed us through His blood (Ephesians 1:7). He now lives in us (Galatians 2:20) and makes intercession for us (Romans 8:34). He will come again in His glory (Matthew 16:27) and will reign in His Kingdom forever (Luke 1:33).
It is only by grace of God that one is granted SALVATION through their faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). The sin of humanity separated us from God, so God delivered us from eternal punishment by sending us His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus paid for the price of our sins through His sacrificial death on the cross. And the only way to the Father is to believe in the name of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Salvation is a gift of God, never resulting from one’s good works or faith in others. So we cannot choose God and take credit for our salvation. Consequently, it is God who elects in his foreknowledge of those that will be in saving relationship with Him through free will. So predestination and free will are not contradictory but complementary.
BAPTISM & COMMUNION are the two main congregational practices that we carry out in remembrance of what Jesus has done for us. Baptism is the outward expression of inward process of sanctification. Through water baptism, a believer volitionally, symbolically and publicly identifies with the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-6). It is a declaration that commemorates the purification of our sins and the new life found through the work of Jesus. Sharing bread and wine is based on the invitation of Jesus to His disciples during the Last Supper (Luke 22). We observe the consuming of bread and wine as a community, in remembrance of our Lord and Savior, who sacrificed Himself for our sins.
Our logo consists of four blocks that represent the four pillars of Youngnak: Education, Mission, Fellowship and Service. These four are united by, within, and through Jesus Christ, symbolized by the white cross in the middle. The image of the tree represents how Jesus is the tree and we are the branches, grafted on to Him. Growing strong together, sharing the love of Christ, and building the kingdom of heaven in this world, IWE continues its mission-making disciples of all nations.
From the left: Stephen, Joe, Sung
Well, here we are. Three guys in love with Jesus and IWE. We are here to serve, love, and celebrate with all of those in need of the good new of the gospel. Don't be shy to tell us about how you feel these days concerning IWE, your own whereabouts, as well as the world that you live in. We welcome you in the name of our Lord Jesus!
Pastor Stephen Choi
I was born and raised in South Korea. My father served as a minister in South Korea for 45 years and my parents retired in 2015. So I can’t leave out Christian culture when talking about my youth and young life, and the fact that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior during my teenage years.
Graduating from Yonsei University in Seoul with a bachelor’s degree in history, I began to work at a company, doing overseas business with the markets within the US for 15 years.
To answer God’s calling, I left the business domain in 2017, and joined PUTS—Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary—in Seoul. I began serving at Youngnak IWE as an associate pastor in 2019 and have been in love with this ministry ever since. I finished my Master of Divinity program in February 2021 and Master of Theology in February 2023 at PUTS. I am currently studying for a Ph.D. program to focus my search in systematic theology at PUTS.
I live with my beautiful wife and we have a daughter and a son. They are so precious to my life—blessings from God! We as a family trust in God and are ever-growing in love with Jesus day by day.
I am happy to have you at Youngnak IWE and glad to share God’s love in the name of Jesus Christ. I look forward to enjoying open fellowship with you and our everlasting Triune God.
Pastor Sung Guk Byun
I was born in Seoul, South Korea but grew up in 3 different countries. I lived in Princeton, New Jersey, USA from 2 to 11 years old; Manila, Philippines from 12 to 15 years old; and South Korea from 16 to 18 years old. I graduated from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan with a Bachelor of Science degree in Integrated Science Studies and Secondary Education. In other words, I was a certified high school science teacher.
Following college, I returned to Korea to complete my mandatory military service before attending seminary. I graduated with a Master of Divinity from Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary in Seoul, South Korea in 2022.
I have served as an associate pastor at Agape Church and Suwon Onnuri Vision Church before joining the International Worship in English (IWE) ministry team at Youngnak Presbyterian Church. As an associate pastor at IWE, I oversee the 3:30 PM Worship and translate the senior pastor’s Sunday service sermons.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to encounter many experiences in diverse settings while experiencing God’s grace and mercy. I trust and believe God has led me to IWE and look forward to this new chapter of my life.
Rev. Joe Chung
Praise God and love Jesus!
My name is pastor Joe Chung and I am the husband of Min-Jeong Baek and two lovely kids, Yena Chung (10) in 4th grade and Sunny Chung (7) in 1st grade in elementary school.
In my preschool years, I vowed to become a pastor after my father also a pastor. During elementary school, by God's wonderful grace, my family was blessed to study in Virginia. Despite my rebellion against God during my teen years, God remembered my childhood vow to become a pastor. I experienced God personally and met my Savior and Lord Jesus, and God led me to a pastoral path. I ministered to second-generation Koreans for 10+ years in the US and 10+ years in Korea. I pray that I can be faithful servant in God's call to serve Youngnak IWE.
I think at the core of pastoral ministry is holiness. If a pastor loses his integrity and purity but compromises in any way, I think he will not be able to take care of or nurture God's sheep truthfully. God disciplined me to be holy, and I am constantly striving to be holy in the eyes of the Lord.
As I come to serve IWE, I would like to instill great dreams and visions through spiritual training and shepherding IWE members. God desires to use His chosen Christians as a tool for God's kingdom. I believe IWE has a big responsibility of envisioning what God wants for us and harvesting what God has in store for us.
01ㅣRev. Joe Joon-Hee Chung is installed as Lead Pastor of Youngnak IWE
01ㅣRev. Justin Yoon Ki Kim is installed as Lead Pastor of Youngnak IWE
03ㅣRev. Woon Sung Kim is installed as Senior Pastor of Youngnak Presbyterian Church
01ㅣRev. Isaac Chang is installed as Lead Pastor of Youngnak IWE
11ㅣPastor Christine Han is installed as Interim Lead Pastor of Youngnak IWE
11ㅣRev. Paul Song is installed as Lead Pastor of Youngnak IWE
04ㅣRev. Bill Majors establishes Youngnak International Worship in English
12ㅣRev. Chul Shin Lee is installed as Senior Pastor of Youngnak Presbyterian Church
04ㅣFounder & Emeritus Rev. Kyung Chik Han is awarded the Templeton Prize
06ㅣKorean War breaks out; Elder E. R. Kim & Deacon C. H. Kim are martyred
11ㅣChurch renamed to Youngnak Presbyterian Church
12ㅣBethany Evangelist Church is founded by Rev. Kyung Chik Han
Tel. (+82) 02-2280-0228 | yniwe.info@gmail.com
Soopyoro 33, Jung-Gu, Seoul, South Korea